Channel: holistichabits
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: ginger digestionreduce stress naturallyseedholistic livingginger teastomach ache remedyherbal remediesccf teasproutingexercise for digestiondigestionherbs for digestionsarah nagelsynbioticsholistic habitsmassaged kalechewing food benefitsdigestion tipshow to sproutholistic nutritionsoaking nutssprouting nutscloves for digestionprobiotic benefitsmind gut connectionprebioticsfennel stomach acheholistic remediesprobiotics
Description: Use code HOLISTICHABITS to get 15% off your 1st month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01 Daily Synbiotic + Free shipping: Hi guys! In todays video I am sharing my top holistic habits and tips for optimal digestion. As Hippocrates said.. “all disease starts in the gut”. Optimal digestion leads to an overall healthy body. I go over everything from my favourite digestion herbs, food prep tips, the best ways to eat and more. I hope you enjoy!! XO 00:00 Intro 01:02 Seed Probiotic (sponsor) 02:39 Herbs for Digestion 02:53 Cloves 03:24 Ginger 04:02 CCF Tea 05:10 Diet for Digestion 05:49 Food preparation for optimal Digestion 07:11 Soaking and Sprouting 08:31 fermented foods 09:30 mind/gut connection (reduce stress) 10:18 Exercise for Digestion 10:41 Keep hydrated 10:58 Chew your food 11:42 Best times to eat 12:15 Apple Cider Vinegar 12:35 Bitters for Digestion Check out my jewelry collaboration with Audry Rose: FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: FTC: This video is sponsored by Seed