Channel: The Bioneer
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: mobilityatg split squatweighted stretchingcossack squatstrength and mobilitysquat mobilitypistol squat
Description: My eBook and Training Program: My physical book: Many people could benefit more from improving their mobility than from increasing strength. So many of us are tight and stiff with poor range of motion. Unfortunately, stretching isn't particularly exciting and a lot of people find it dull as compared with strength training. The good news? You don't need to spend ages stretching to boost your mobility. In fact, mobility and flexibility are very different and the right kind of strength training is often superior for increasing ROM. By using weighted stretching, you can build strength and mobility simultaneously to save time. In so doing, you'll also boost your athleticism AND strengthen tendons. Take it slow of course and listen to your body! Here are some of my favourite moves for building strength and mobility simultaneously. 3:51 Sumo Squat 4:45 Dead Hang 5:46 Deep Squat 6:12 Pistol Squat 6:49 Cossack Squat 7:04 Good Morning 7:43 Hindu Push Up 8:21 Dumbbell Pullover 8:34 ATG Split Squat 9:15 Elevated Calf raises