Channel: Bridget Nielsen
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: empathpowerful empath toolesplightworkerempath fatiguewhy empaths get so tiredraise your frequencyself caretraits of an empathhealinghow to raise your vibrationthe truth about empathsraise your vibrationempath boundariesempath burnouthow to set boundarieshow to have more energypersonal developmentspiritualityspiritual awakeninganxietyam i an empathhighly sensitive personascensionbeing an empathsigns you are an empathstarseed
Description: Why Empaths Get So Tired - How To Set Boundaries & Have More Energy // Connect with your own Soul Essence ➡ Click Here for my free mp3 meditation: Spiritual Healing & Manifestation Process ➡ My Soul Light Collective program is FULL of awesome meditations, personal development exercises, and living spiritual community. Click here ➤ Connect with me on Instagram @bridgetnielsen Many empaths and highly sensitive people get tired and drained because they are more focused on others and the outside environment than themselves. This can be because of trauma in early childhood as well as a sensitivity that makes you more aware of the subtle energies of other that captures your attention. The key is to be discerning and tune into what is relevant for your soul path, which is a form of how to set boundaries... In this video you’ll see signs you are an empath to answer the question, “am I an empath?” By using the tools in this video and introducing self care as part of your spiritual practice, you’ll raise your vibration and bring healing to any anxiety you feel as a lightworker or starseed. This will receive you and answer why empaths get so tired. I hope this give you permission to say no and set a boundary so you can stay in your own energy. The way to use your lack of boundaries for your benefit is to consciously take on the energies you want to become. Expose yourself to energies, sacred places, meditations, positive people, and spiritual teachings that lift you up and raise your vibration and develop your esp!! Self help techniques and personal development can break you through the shadow work that comes up for highly sensitive people. -- EMPATH EMPOWERMENT PLAYLIST!! How To Set Boundaries as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person EMPATH Empowerment & Highly Sensitive People - Your Extrasensory Superpower Powerful Empath Tool To Raise Your Vibration!! HELPFUL PLAYLISTS: Spiritual Development and Expansion Ascension & Spiritual Awakening Self- Help & Personal Development How To Exit The Matrix Spirit Guides: How To Connect With Them Shadow Work & Integrating Darkness On this channel, I share info on personal development, the law of attraction, health, how to raise your frequency, balance, empowerment, indigo children, high vibration, spiritual development, and spirituality. #empath #highlysensitiveperson #empathboundaries #powerfulempathtool #signsyouareanempath #spiritualawakening #lightworker