Channel: Kuttin' Up For The Kulture
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: keto dietfirst week keto meal planprolonged fastingomad meal ideaslow carb meal prep for weight lossketoomad dietomad resultsfirst week ketoketo rebootintermittent fastingketogenic dietthomas delauer omadomad weight lossomad mealslow carb mealsdr berg keto for beginnersketo restartdr berg ketogenic dietdr berg intermittent fastingfirst week keto diet meal planketo taco salad recipe
Description: This video details what I ate the first week back on the ketogenic diet while intermittent fasting and eating one meal a day (OMAD). I lost 11 lbs this week and overall I am feeling amazing. I had a few days where I hard fasted, only drinking water and tea because I was deep enough in ketosis where my appetite was small. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @ kuttin_up_keto Business Inquiry? Email Me at Keto K1000 Electrolyte Powder | Boost Energy & Beat Leg Cramps | No Maltodextrin or Sugar | Raspberry Lemon | 50 Servings Music Courtesy of: Lakey Inspired: The Process Victory City of Angels