Channel: The TV Regent
Category: Entertainment
Tags: supervillain powers in moviesthe tv regentsupervillains getting their powertop 10apocalypse launches nukesupervillain power demonstration scenesmoviessuperheroes getting their powertop 10 supervillain power demonstration scenes in moviessuperhero moviessuperhero transformationmovie topsgalactus swallowing the earthsupervillains unleash their powertop 10 moviestop 10 superherodormammu ive come to bargainsupervillain transformation
Description: Predictable, flashy, cheesy lines and bad CGI; these were some of the words that Gen – X used to associate super villains with. But over the year’s studio executives have developed a knack for great and unpredictable storytelling which is uplifted by the help of man’s biggest fundamental need; a shit ton of money. You’ve heard it right; in the last decade or so we have seen the likes of the MCU, Warner Bros, Sony and more actually work to develop scripts which have given us amazing villains. From Heath Ledger’s Oscar winning portrayal of Joker to the MCU’s visual effects that gave us the likes of Dormammu; we have been witnessing more and more villains have a huge impact in their respective films. So, let’s take a look at the Top 10 supervillain power demonstration scenes where we all said to ourselves; “Huh.. I didn’t see that coming”… unless you read the comics of course This list is just my opinion so feel free to let me know about your thoughts in the comment section below. Patreon: Twitter: Anime Channel: #thetvregent #movies #top10 #superheromovies Voice-over by Jas Rao: