Channel: The TV Regent
Category: Entertainment
Tags: wolverinetop 10 wolverine scenestop 10 xmen superhero power demonstration scenes in moviesx menxmensuperherotop 10 xmen supervillain power demonstration scenes in moviesthe tv regentwolverine transformationtop 10top 10 wolverine power demonstration scenes in moviesmoviesx-menwolverine powersmovie topsx-manlogantop 10 moviestop 10 superhero power demonstration scenes in moviestop 10 superherox manhugh jackmanxmanpower demonstration scenes
Description: Today I’m counting down my Top 10 Wolverine Power Demonstrations in the movies! Strap in for a ‘wild’ ride ahead! This list is just my opinion so feel free to let me know about your thoughts in the comment section below. Discord: Patreon: Twitter: Anime Channel: #thetvregent #movies #movietops Voice-over by Jas Rao: