Channel: Victor Oddo
Category: Education
Tags: empathempaths survival guidesensitive empathvictor oddohighly sensitive peopleempathsempaths and fatigueempath fatiguespiritual awakeningempaths refugeempath exhaustionempaths powerempath signsfitnessempath protectionchristina lopez
Description: Unconventional Method That Works Wonders For Empaths! Ascension Body - Who is this for? This is for "everyday empaths" interested in... - Having more energy - (even if you've been burnt out for years) - Building a strong "energy body" - (stop absorbing other people's stuff) - Increasing physical strength, stamina, and overall health - Sculpting toned muscles (without bulk) AND burning fat - Strengthening their psychic connection with their higher self (noticeably) — immediately after starting to eat... and train... this exact way, I started "Channeling" This is NOT for... elite level athletes or professional fitness competitors. It's for every day empaths (men and women) between the ages of (16 & early 60's) Who want to tone up... have more energy (physically & psychically)... and stop feeling energetically drained by negative people or places. On this page... (I share a before and after photo) to show you how dramatic the transformation was for me. Before... I was psychically... and psychically burnt out... for years... All of the exercise modalities that once worked for me... and my clients... (I was a personal trainer)... stopped working after I started my spiritual awakening. In fact, they made me feel worse! I gained about 30 pounds of pure fat and felt horrible. I felt like I was in a downward spiral and just couldn't get my energy back. Finally, I discovered an unconventional way of training... and eating... that changed everything... Truly! Sometimes you hear... "oh this changed everything" and it's just something people say... it's an exaggeration. Not with this... it literally revolutionized my life. My energy soared! I lost ALL the fat - fast - (See the before and after here) I no longer felt vulnerable to other people's energy... I felt amazing... youthful... energized... powerful! And I looked pretty good! lol After I started doing awakening coaching... years ago... I decided to make my spiritual clients eat and train this way too. They weren't expecting that! haha I literally sent them home workout plans in their email inbox! I was so pleased to see the ascension body model working just as well for them! Click Here To Learn More About The Program - PS... I also put in an "At Home Workout Plan" since so many people can't go to the gym right now... I have also found a lot of empaths don't care for the "gym vibe" anyway!