Channel: Nerdstalgic
Category: Entertainment
Tags: the simpsons animationsouth park little leaguecorridor crewsouth parkpitch meetingthe simpsonsigncaptain midnightfuturama rebootsouth park cartmanfuturamasouth park randy marshsouth park hbomaxsouth park coloradosouth park animatedbobs burgersbobs burgers moviesouth park comedy centralsouth park matt stone trey parkernerdstalgicnerdstalgic animationsouth park kennysouth park stannew rockstarsscreen crushsouth park evolution
Description: Over the years South Park has expanded hundreds of once side characters into hour hold names. Though none have had a bigger impact on the show than Randy Marsh. In the beginning of South Park he was just Stan's Dad, but over the coming seasons we saw Randy take center stage and transform into one of South Parks most popular characters aside from Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny of course. The Perfect Episode of South Park: #SouthPark #RandyMarsh #Nerdstalgic Written by Chris Teregis Edited by David Sadvari