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Category: Entertainment
Tags: the unholyunholy ending explainedunholy 2021end sceneunholy monsterexplainedexplanationmonstertrailerendingfoundflixsam raimighostspoilersfinal scenereviewmeaningjeffrey dean morganspoilermary eldmarclipfoundflix ending explained
Description: #theunholy #endingexplained In The Unholy, a girl inexplicably gains the power to heal the sick after a supposed visit from the Virgin Mary that catches the attention from a down on his luck journalist. As strange and violent events start to occur, he wonders if these phenomena are the work of something more sinister. We're breaking down the story, including Jerry's arc to his newfound faith, just what the entity is and what it really wants, as well as explaining the ending. Subscribe! ►► Support FoundFlix on Patreon! ►► FACEBOOK ►► TWITTER ►► INSTAGRAM ►► FAN MAIL: FoundFlix 6009 W Parker Rd Suite 149-174 Plano TX 75093