Channel: FoundFlix
Category: Entertainment
Tags: tobypa7end scene2021ending explainedkatieparanormal activity next of kinexplainedexplanationtobeynext of kinparanormal activitytrailerendingfoundflixfinal scenereviewmeaningasmodeusconnectionspoilerclipfoundflix ending explained
Description: #paranormalactivity #endingexplained In Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin, we follow Margot as she ventures to her Amish roots in order to find out where she came from and what happened to her mother. The answer will terrify and shock her to the core, especially with all the dang ghosts around spooking everyone. We're breaking down the story, if it connects to the previous entries, what the community is really all about including their demonic overlord, and explaining the ending that shows us the evil is only beginning. Subscribe! ►► Support FoundFlix on Patreon! ►► FACEBOOK ►► TWITTER ►► INSTAGRAM ►► FAN MAIL: FoundFlix 6009 W Parker Rd Suite 149-174 Plano TX 75093