Channel: Rock Paper Shotgun
Category: Gaming
Tags: deadeyepc gamingwarriorbest classestricksfemale gunnermartial artisttipswardancergunslingerbeserkerpcadvanced classfemale martial artistmale gunnerworstlost arkpaladingunnerclassguidegameplay
Description: With 15 possible options to choose from, picking a class in Lost Ark can be pretty overwhelming. Thankfully, we've got some suggestions for you. Join Liam and Rebecca as they discuss the best (and worst) PvE classes in Lost Ark. 🎥: Want more juicy video content? Check out our review of Lost Ark: 🔴: Subscribe and ring that bell to never miss a video: 💬: Chat to Rock Paper Shotgun on Discord: 🍾: Support RPS by becoming a YouTube channel member: 🛒 Buy some RPS merch: 🐦: Follow Liam on Twitter: 0:00 Intro 00:51 Gunslinger (Female Gunner) - Best Classes 04:06 Paladin (Warrior) - Best Classes 06:42 Berserker (Warrior) - Best Classes 07:55 Deadeye (Male Gunner) - Worst Classes 10:11 Wardancer (Female Martial Artist) - Worst Classes 12:51 Outro #LostArk #Class #Guide #RockPaperShotgun