Channel: SeriousMartin
Category: Gaming
Tags: tf2wacky mapstf2 workshopbadctf_legit strategiesworkshop mapsmedicarenaoffersnipermomentsweird mapsmeme mapsbad mapsseriousdont fallhasctf_2pointsmarket gardenwho makes thesefunnykoth_mapsworkshopseriousmartincoolepicdemomanengineerheavytheteam fortress 2pyrosoldiermartincustom mapssteam groupcontrol pointcrazyworstthe worst maps the workshop has to offertoscoutspy
Description: Steam group for announcements! - This is the workshop, where most maps get posted. That means that 95% of the workshop is pure garbage. But that's a good thing! (for me.) Because that means that I can check out all the glorious bad maps that the workshop has to offer! I am way too lazy to search all of these maps up again and put them here in the description, but if you want to find them you could probably just search for them. But I have a feeling that you won't be playing these maps. THEY ARE REALLY BAD. Anyway, enjoy! :) Once again thanks to Ryan for hosting ALL these maps!