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TF2 - 2Fort But It's Missing Half The Forts

Duration: 06:30Views: 789.3KLikes: 15.4KDate Created: Jul, 2018

Channel: SeriousMartin

Category: Gaming

Tags: buttf2wacky mapsserverhalfgood mapshilariousmedic1 fort2fortgamemodemomentssniperctf_2fortweird mapsmissingfortsserious2fort but it's missing half the fortsmap1fortfunnyadammapsseriousmartincoolcustomitsctf_1fortdemomanengineerheavytheteam fortress 2pyrosoldierworst mapsmartinsteam groupbad mapscoutspyannouncements

Description: Steam group for events like this! - steamcommunity.com/groups/SeriousMartinParty 3 videos in 3 days? Oh my god, no way. What is happening? I might have gone insane. We're back again with another really bad/really good map. This time it's 1Fort. That's right, it's called 1Fort. It's 2Fort but there's only 1Fort. How does that even make sense you might ask? It doesn't. Even after playing it I can't tell if it made sense. I know one thing though. This map has made me a better person, it changed my life forever.... okay not really. But check the video and it might change YOUR life! Hope you enjoy! ;) ctf_1fort on the workshop: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1349547115& Songs: "Versus Overworld" - by Noteblock! Check it out! youtube.com/watch?v=GRX46ZSh5XQ

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