Channel: Weegee Plays
Category: Gaming
Tags: smash bros switch trailersmash 5smash switch reactionsmash bros 5 trailersmash bros switch reactionsuper smashsmash bros 5 reactionsuper smash bros switchsuper smash bros switch reactionsmash brosweegee the godsmash bros 5 characterssuper smash bros switch trailer reactionsuper smash bros switch revealsmash bros 5 predictionssmash 5 trailersmashsmash bros 5 leakedsmash bros 5weegee playssmash bros 5 rostersuper smash brosweegee
Description: Super Smash Bros 5 (or Super Smash Bros Switch) was just revealed 2 days ago. Being a Super Smash Bro myself, I thought it would be good to give a detailed analysis of everything we saw in the trailer. I know exactly what characters will be in this game, so prepare for hype. Expect a ton of Smash Bros 5 content coming soon. Also, yes I am mad that Dunkey beat me to the punch on this one. If you like the video, help me out by giving it a thumbs up If you want to see more videos like this, help me out by subscribing Twitter - Twitter.Com/WEEGEETHEGOD Twitch - Twitch.Tv/WEEGEETHEGOD Discord - Steam Group - Patreon - Patreon.Com/WeegeePlays FaceBook - Google+ -