Channel: Weegee Plays
Category: Gaming
Tags: mario party 5face liftmario party 4mario party 3mario party 2nintendomario partymario series (video game series)dungeon duostop 10 mario party mini gamesweegee the godweegee playsweegeemario party dsvideo game culturetop 10 mario party gamesminigame (video game genre)mario (film character)mario party 11mario party (video game series)mario party 9mario party 8mario party 7mario party 6best mario party minigames
Description: When you think Mario Party, you think minigames. There are tons of little cowardly YouTube boys out there making "Top 10 Best/Worst Mario Party Minigames" videos, but I wanted to do what no man has ever done before; rank them all. *handhelds not included* You can watch me play Mario Party and do the funny Mario Party minigames daily here (subscribe plz) - If you like the video, help me out by giving it a thumbs up If you want to see more videos like this, help me out by subscribing Twitter - Twitter.Com/WEEGEETHEGOD Twitch - Twitch.Tv/WEEGEETHEGOD Discord - Steam Group - Patreon - Patreon.Com/WeegeePlays FaceBook - Google+ - Patrons============================================= Nicari0 | Orpheus | Dylen A. | Dephillips | Fluffkips | Max DuBose | Broneteer | Fyrex | Jalum Goodman