Channel: Bridget Nielsen
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: empathlightworkercompassionself love journeyself careself love habitsself love habits that workwhat is loveself love tipshow to love yourselfintuitionbe kind to yourselfraise your vibrationself helpself beliefforgivenessconfidencepersonal growthpositiveaffirmationsspiritualityspiritual awakeningself worthhow to attract lovehighly sensitive personascensionself forgivenesslaw of attractionmy self love routineself lovestarseed
Description: SELF LOVE Habits That WORK and My Self Love Routine! // Connect with your divine soul essence ➡ Click Here for my FREE mp3 meditation ➡ Ready to connect with your heart and develop your intuition? Treat to my Soul Light Collective online program FULL of awesome meditations, personal growth exercises, and like-hearted friends: Connect with me on Instagram @ bridgetnielsen Our primary relationship in this life is with ourselves. Whatever our relationship is with ourselves is what we create and attract in the relationships around us. It’s so important to build your self-love, self-care, self-worth, and confidence to bring more joy into your life! The first thing you can do is to take time and space to drop in with yourself. I suggest meditation and clearing your mind to go beyond your thoughts and then feel into your body. You can actually hug, touch, and be kind to yourself. In this space, you can let yourself feel and hold space yourself taking the objective perspective of a big sister, big brother, or higher self energy to be kind to the part of yourself that needs love. The second habit is self-care and doing something nourishing for you that fills your own cup. When we don’t like ourselves, we’ll overwork or pursue destructive habits so switching that and taking time to take care of yourself is a wonderful place to start to acknowledge your own needs. You can start by doing simple things like taking a bath, remembering to eat, and then add in things that you love to do and activities that fill your soul with joy. Tune into an expression of your soul and yourself that excites you. There are a certain time and place for soothing kind care that is the yin space of receptivity. One thing that can happen that leads to an imbalance is that overindulging in comfort. Some things that are rewarding may feel uncomfortable at the beginning, but building the momentum towards things that are truly nourishing will build your core self-confidence and self-worth. Check-in and discern when is the time to go inward and take care of yourself and when is the time to go for it and take action to bring something to fruition. To be able to distinguish what you should do it takes listening to your soul and be tuned with your personal alignment. CREATING SELF WORTH & ABUNDANCE | VALUE OF PEOPLE How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You How to Heal Yourself | My Top 5 Spiritual Healing Tips! What is Self-Love? HELPFUL PLAYLISTS: Spiritual Development and Expansion Ascension & Spiritual Awakening Self- Help & Personal Development How To Exit The Matrix Spirit Guides: How To Connect With Them Shadow Work & Integrating Darkness On this channel, I share info on personal development, the law of attraction, health, starseeds, lightworkers, how to raise your frequency, balance, empowerment, indigo children, high vibration, spiritual development, and spirituality.