Channel: Biggs87x
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftminecraft igloobiggs87x how to makehow to make a igloobiggs87xcool things to build in minecraftminecraft igloo designhow to build a igloo in minecraftigloo design minecraftigloo tutorial minecraftminecraft how to build a igloominecraft igloo tutorialbiggs87x how to buildigloo minecraftigloohow to make a igloo in minecraftbiggs87x minecraftminecraft how to make a igloo
Description: Minecraft - How To Make An Igloo! Today I'm going to show you how to make a nice and easy Minecraft Igloo. This Minecraft Igloo will look great in all of your houses and should look a lot better than the standard Minecraft Igloo designs you are used to. In this Minecraft Tutorial series, I will be showing you cool things to build in Minecraft and clearly breaking it down step by step, showing how to make nice/cool designs just like the Minecraft Igloo design in this video. The Minecraft Igloo should work for all versions of Minecraft such as XBOX, PS4, PS3, MCPE, Wii U & PC. If you have any questions about this Minecraft Igloo tutorial or have a Minecraft Igloo design of your own, please feel free to put it in the comment section down below. Also, I would like to give a Big thank you to Epica for working with me on this Minecraft Igloo Design. I hope you enjoy this tutorial of Minecraft - How To Make Igloo :) ● Join Team Biggs! ► ● Minecraft Igloo Playlist ► ------------------------------------ .:My Info:. ● 2nd Channel ► ● Snapchat: itsbiggs87x ● Twitter: ● Facebook: ● Instagram: ● TwitchTV: ----------------------------------- .:Minecraft Server Info:. ● Fan Server IP ► ● Kaoshkraft Website ► ● Get 70% a Minecraft server when you use code "kaoshkraft" ► --------------------------------------- Title ► Minecraft - How To Make A Igloo ------------------------------------ Thanks for all your support on this Minecraft - How To Make A Igloo. Rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated! - Biggs87x #minecraft ------------------------------------- What is Minecraft? Minecraft is an independent computer game designed in 2009 by self-taught Swedish programmer Markus Persson aka Notch, who claims it now has over 100 million registered users. Minecraft is often described as a ‘sandbox game’. This means that it’s a virtual land where users can create their own worlds and experiences, using building blocks, resources discovered in the world and using their own creativity they can build or create anything they wish. The game is available on multiple platforms. You can play on a computer, smartphone, tablet, X Box or Playstation. It is growing in popularity day by day, especially among primary-aged children. Since its release in 2009, Minecraft has quickly become one of the most popular games in the world. As an indie game built by a very small team, Minecraft’s success isn’t down to massive resources or a carefully planned advertising strategy. So what explains its popularity with children? Minecraft has been described as a game with no rules. It doesn’t come with a set of instructions, or a stated objective – players can build and explore however they want. It’s often compared to virtual Lego.