Channel: Andy Ambarita
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: loveacustic coveri love jesuswhite backdropblue shirtmanis kau dengarg shapescole clarkjesuscapochristianrode k2andy ambaritamicrophonegodworship
Description: I hope you all had a great weekend! #Quickshare The writer of this song once shared with me that, during the writing process he received feed back from certain people saying that using words like "Manis Kau Dengar" was inappropriate for worship. I'm so grateful that my mentor Pdt. Welyar Kauntu went against the grain and went ahead and released this song over a decade ago that has reached millions of people and bring them to the presence of God. Hey what was the message that you heard from your local church last Sunday? I dare you to put it into action and practice what you have learnt throughout this week! Let start the week strong with Worshiping Jesus!