Channel: Andy Ambarita
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: singerwalau ku tak dapat melihatwalau ku tak dapat melihat covergospel coversolocole clark fl1acg shapescovercole clarkjesuscapoacoustic guitarblue and white shirtworshipdirection
Description: Apapun yang sedang kamu hadapi saat ini, jangan menyerah. Seberat apapun masalah atau keadaan menghimpitmu, tetap percaya bahwa Tuhan mampu menolong, bahkan Tuhan mampu melakukan hal yang menurut kita mustahil. Stay strong, and keep believing in Him. . “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV . Thank you Jesus for @grezia_epiphania, for this song reminds us to continually look to you in all seasons we find ourselves in. @grezia_epiphania you are amazing and an inspiration for me and @achasinaga we love you! . Walau ku ya dapat melihat by @grezia_epiphania