Channel: Mariana's Corner
Category: Education
Description: 👉 Grab CuriosityStream + Nebula for 26% discount (14.79$/year): 👆Stay tuned for the bloopers! Has anyone ever told you that you overthink too much? If you want to purchase a new item — say, a new case for your phone — do you end up searching for almost all brands, navigating different styles, trying to decide between a hard case, a silicone one or a dBran skin, before rethinking your decision all over again? If you feel like it's hard to even make a simple decision, the process of making big changes in your life will generate even more stress and indecision — and as panic takes its toll on you, you'll feel incapacitated to act and to choose. Timestamps: 0:47 Analysis Paralysis 1:50 The Paradox of Choice 3:23 Maximising and satisficing 4:13 Doing Better but Feeling Worse 5:50 What you Can Do About It 7:00 Comparison of Experiences ---- Thank you Alicia Rodriguez, Carolina Umaña, Diamond, Emma-Louise Smith, Jasmine de Leon, Kate G, Lindsey, Melanie Jackson, Michael Peng, Nina C, Owen Havercroft Reyes, Rachel Prichard, Regina Grant and SophieLouiseAbild for joining me on Patreon! To read this video's companion article and access exclusive livestreams, printables, articles and other resources, join our learning corner over at ☞ Free stuff: Goal Setting Notion Template: Mid-Year Reset Printable: ☞ More info: • I offer organisation + productivity coaching/consulting. If you're interested, contact me via • Stock footage and imagery provided by Getty Images • Video edited by: Mary Among Stories ( • FTC: This video is sponsored by Curiosity Stream + Nebula