Channel: Easy Tricks & Hacks
Category: Education
Tags: cooking life hackscooking trickscooking hackstricksfood life hackscraftsfood hackdo it yourselflife hacksfood hackshacksdiycooking hacks and tipssimple life hackstrucos
Description: 24 awesome cooking hacks you can use in your kitchen. list of tricks in this video: 1. Genius clothes pegs hack 2. DIY clothespin pan holder 3. knife sharpening hack 4. DIY toilet paper roll holder 5. Straw closing trick 6. Saving spaghetti in pringles box 5. Paperclip bag closing tip 7. Hack to unplug blocked drains 8. DIY ziplock bag 9. Cork bag closing 10. Binder fridge bottle trick 11. Rice knife holder 12. Cookbook holder 13. Chip bag origami closing hack 14. Easy chopsticks DIY 15. Rolling with a bottle instead of a rolling pin 16. Eggshells used to clean inside a jar 17. DIY sauce squeeze bottle 18. DIY plastic bottles for storage 19. DIY vacuum sealing 20. Lemon juice cleaning 21. Hack for sealing food in a bag 22. Trick for cleaning inside of kettle 24. Spice jars re-using tip hope you enjoyed these hacks, please subscribe to my channel :) also, check out some of my other videos here: and