Channel: Michaela Witter
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: weight loss tipsfat burnernatural detoxpotassiumlosing weightdietary supplementalipotec elvdetoxraiz de tejocotefat losstejocoteburn fatweight loss supplementweight loss updatelose fatlose weightnaturalhow to lose weightmichaela witterweight lossnatural weight lossroot from mexicoalipotecmichaela witter weight lossflat stomachmexicointermittent fastingweightlossraíz de tejocotealipotec capsules
Description: Hi loves 💕! I'm back with another video on Alipotec. As many of you know I started taking a dietary supplement a little over a year ago and since lost almost 40lbs. Here are some tips on how to lose the most weight from what I have noticed over the year. Order Alipotec: Also, like I mentioned if you are wanting the document I made to help track your progress, let me know and I can email it to you :) I hope all of this info helps! Let me know any questions you have in the comments and I'll try to get to any you have! Lets be friends :) 📸Follow me on instagram! 🎶Music Music by Ryan Little - blessings. - Can't Trust Nobody by young kimchi (AKA my brother lol) *more of my brother's music