Channel: Battle Universe
Category: Entertainment
Tags: gameguess where i'm hidingnerf battle universehi5 studioshide n seeknurfhide n seek challengehiding spotseekhidinghiding spotshi5hide and seek gamenerf hide and seekcluenerfhide and seek challengeguessing gamehide and seek gameplayguess gameguessing challengeguessingfunnyguess wherehide & seeknerf hide n seekseekinghide and seeknerf battleguess challengehideguessbattle universehi5 nerfchallengehide n seek gameclues
Description: Today we brought back the CLASSIC hide and seek challenge, BUT WITH A TWIST! This time, the seekers will get a clue of where the hider is hiding by them taking a picture of their hiding spot! Last person to find them LOSES! Human Battleship Challenge! ➡ Twitter ➡ Instagram ➡ Upload Schedule: Mon/Wed/Fri at 1:50pm PST! DISCLAIMER: This channel uses NERF Rival and Mega Blasters, as well as some modded blasters that we create. These are NOT recommended for anyone aged 13 or below! If you liked what you saw but want more than just NERF, make sure to check out our other family friendly channels at Hi5 Studios below: Dope Or Nope ➡ 10 Discount Products That'll Give You Discounted Fun! Get Good Gaming ➡ Minecraft Except Our Lives Are LINKED! Matthias ➡ Giving Employees My Most Valuable Possessions For FREE! RØZE ➡ I Felt Guilty For This Prank... Team Edge ➡ Last to Leave the Painful Shiatsu Massage!!