Channel: Battle Universe
Category: Entertainment
Tags: gameprice gamenerf battle universehi5 studiosmoney gamenurfguess the priceprice is rightnerf battleguess challengehi5battle universehi5 nerfnerfchallengemoney challengeprice challengeguessing gameguess gameguessing challengeguess the price challengefunnyguess the price game
Description: Today we put a NERF spin on The Price Is Right game show!! NERF blasters can be more expensive than I thought... BLIND Catch The NERF Blaster Challenge! ➡ Twitter ➡ Instagram ➡ Upload Schedule: Mon/Wed/Fri at 11:50am PST! DISCLAIMER: This channel uses NERF Rival and Mega Blasters, as well as some modded blasters that we create. These are NOT recommended for anyone aged 13 or below! If you liked what you saw but want more than just NERF, make sure to check out our other family friendly channels at Hi5 Studios below: Dope Or Nope ➡ We Try 10 Products That No One Else Has The Guts To! Get Good Gaming ➡ Christmas Prop Hunt Challenge! | Garry's Mod! Totally Trendy ➡ Testing "Life Saving" Clothing Hacks! RØZE ➡ This Was My Best Scare Yet! Team Edge ➡ Battle for King of the Floating Island! | Break the Body Targets!!