Channel: Chi in Nature Taoism
Category: Education
Tags: chi kungtaoist chi kungchi in naturetaoist masterchi gong exercisesqi gongenergy workiron armmartial arttaoist qi gongtai chikung fumeditationiron shirtpowerful chi kungtin yat dragontaoismiron palmjee sifulearn taoism online
Description: The Link: 100% FREE to start and learn Taoist Magic from home, no commitment required, no background required, learn everything on YouTube and get started right away. I am going to give you real responses if you show me a video of yourself doing the magic! Ask questions here and get answers! This set of Chi Kung exercise is called : Nine Deities Health Chi Kung 九真養生功, it consist of 13 movements and will definitely get you sweaty if you do it right. Support us via Patron: Instagram: Chinese Taoism Channel: Stay tuned for more videos, leave your suggestions and comments below! #Taoism #Taoistmagic #daoism #daoistmagic #tinyatdragon #magick #sorcery