Channel: LeyzarGamingViews
Category: Gaming
Tags: how towarframebestdex sybarisformadex sybaris build 2022rifle buildwarframe builddexleyzarwarframe gameplaytutorialguideleyzargamingleyzargamingviews2022steel path buildsybariswarframe guidehunter munitionscritbest dex sybaris buildsteel pathbuildendgamedex sybaris rifledex sybaris buildstatusrivengameplaygalvanizedrifle
Description: Dex Sybaris Build 2022 (Guide) - She's Still Got It! (Warframe Gameplay) Today we'll be taking a look an one of the free Anniversary weapons, The Dex Sybaris. The weapon is catered towards more newer players as its obtained for free and comes with a preinstalled orokin catalyst and its own weapon slot. All you have to do is add the right mods which is what we'll be exploring today, from new player to endgame build alongside demonstrations of the weapons functions and capabilities. One note I'd like to make, forgot about Galvanized Aptitude (GA) Does function on the weapon and can be used successfully instead of Serration or the Bane Mod. Warframe is a free-to-play action role-playing third-person shooter multiplayer online game developed and published by Digital Extremes. LeyzarGamingViews : Patreon: Discord Community : Donation: Twitch Page: Facebook: Twitter: #DexSybaris #Warframe #BuildGuide