Channel: Chandan Shetty
Category: Music
Tags: trendingchandan shetty songschandan shetty new songchandan shetty new songskannada rapper chandan shettychandan shetty latest songchandan shetty niveditha gowdacorona songniveditha gowdaniveditha gowda songskannadachandan shettykannada trending songschandan shetty corona songchandan shetty niveditha gowda marriagechandan shetty songcoronakannada trendingchandan shetty niveditha gowda lovechandan shetty and niveditha gowda
Description: Presenting the Music Video Corona Song by Chandan Shetty & Niveditha Chandan. In Association with Divo #CoronaSong #ChandanShetty #NivedithaChandan #CS #KannadaRapper