Channel: decocookie
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: 과자japan餅hot chocolate drinkmonster'sballdecocookie日本糖果ホットチョコスターバックスgeisya福袋モンスターボール福玉福栄堂京都souvenirkyotostarbucksluckybagkawaii舞妓bánh kẹo nhật bản2021fukudamamochitraditionalขนมญี่ปุ่นポケモンasmrpokémon
Description: i bought at Japanese style Lucky bags at Wagashi shop and Starbucks in Kyoto.Fukudama is sold at Kyoto in Dec.they are traditional design,but it looks like a Monster's Ball of Pokémon. this time, i bought two types of Fukudama,one is traditional,and another is from Starbucks coffee version. traditional one has monaka skin that consists with mochi.and fukudama contains cute lucky items or charms. it's known as Geisha and Maiko's New Year Gift called "Otoshidama".Geisha and Maiko get Fukudama from their customer as new year gift. traditional Geisha's edible Fukudama costs 3,000yen,and Starbucks coffee Fukudama costs 2,300yen.which Fukudama do you like?;) attention In the video, I'm eating Fukutama skin, but I don't really recommend it because of hygiene issues. Please be careful if you eat it. related video(my past video) Geisha's Edible Lucky Bag "Fukudama" in Kyoto 2020 #decocookie、#Luckybag、#ASMR