Channel: CodeWithChris
Category: Education
Tags: accessibility tutorialhow to create an appxcodeiosui accessibilityhow to make an apphow build a mobile appcodingaccessibility in figmafigma tutorialios developmentprogrammingswift
Description: In this episode of Learning Design, we are going to continue from the previous video and animate the UI we designed, all in Figma, without the need to write a single line of code. Timestamps: 00:26 Smart Animate Background 02:53 Recreating the Expanded Lyrics Screen 13:42 Animating the Two Screens MY FREE ONLINE COURSE: ⚡ How to make an app in 14 days - CWC+ PROGRAM: 👩💻 All our courses in a learning path - WEEKLY UPDATES VIA EMAIL: ✉️ Every Saturday, receive an email digest of new content - CONNECT: 🌍 Website - 😺 GitHub - 📸 Instagram - 🐦 Twitter - ABOUT CODEWITHCHRIS: Hi I’m Chris! I’m dedicated to teaching fundamentals about how to make an app. This is important if you’re trying to land an iOS job, be a freelancer, increase or start a business with an app idea. On this channel and my website, you'll find a ton of free resources and tutorials to aid you on your journey to learn iOS development. Many people have learned to code and build apps on their own! DID THESE LESSONS HELP YOU? Please let me know! - ROADMAP: