Channel: Logos By Nick
Category: Education
Tags: gimp tools explainedgimp tutoriallogosbynicknick saporitologos by nickgimpgimp tools
Description: In this tutorial I’ll be giving you a rundown of all 39 tools found in GIMP, along with a brief explanation of what they do. Want to learn more about how GIMP works? Check out The GIMP Series - a comprehensive collection of over 60 videos where I go over all of the major tools, features and functions in GIMP and explain what they are and demonstrate how they work. Learn more here: The tools and timestamps are as follows... 00:00 Intro 00:33 Move 00:51 Alignment 01:08 Rectangle Select 01:34 Ellipse Select 01:53 Free Select 02:19 Scissors Select 02:46 Foreground Select 03:20 Fuzzy Select 03:55 Select By Color 04:16 Cropping 04:41 Rotate 05:11 Scale 05:35 Shear 05:55 Flip 06:17 Perspective 06:43 Unified Transform 07:11 3D Transform 07:29 Handle Transform 08:03 Warp Transform 08:25 Cage Transform 08:42 Bucket Fill 09:03 Gradient 09:25 Paintbrush 09:47 Pencil 10:09 Airbrush 10:30 Ink Tool 10:52 MyPaint Brush 11:14 Eraser 11:48 Clone 12:08 Perspective Clone 12:30 Healing 12:53 Smudge 13:12 Blur & Sharpen 13:31 Dodge & Burn 13:56 Paths 14:20 Text 14:36 Color Picker 14:56 Measure 15:24 Zoom Intro song: "In Da Mood" by Combustibles, used with written permission