Channel: Jordan Syatt
Category: Education
Tags: weight training for weight loss for menweight training for weight loss beginnerscardio for weight lossweight training for weight loss beginners at homecardio for weight loss beginnersweight training for weight loss for womencardio at home hiit workout for weight lossweight training for weight losscardio workouts for beginners weight losshiit cardio for weight loss at homecardio for weight loss mencardio for weight loss in gymcardio for weight loss at home
Description: Get My Diet & Workout Program ► Subscribe for More Videos ► - Find me on... Instagram ► Podcast ► Twitter ► ---- weight loss calorie calculator ---- Videography by @rico.incarnati ---- What’s better? Cardio or weight training for weight loss? Listen. The fitness industry runs on a pendulum of extremes. Everything is either good or bad. Right or wrong. Healthy or unhealthy. Fattening or fat burning. Issue is, things aren't that black and white. And creating these false dichotomies is what digs us further into fitness "ruts" that get harder and harder to climb out of. Cardio for weight loss is the prime example. For a long time, cardio for weight loss was THE thing. Everyone ran or biked or swam or roller skated or crushed Richard Simmons cardio workouts for weight loss from home. Weight training for weight loss was "dangerous," not "functional," and only for "meat heads." Recently, though, this all changed. Nowadays weight training for weight loss is the end-all-be-all of fitness, whereas cardio for weight loss is hated on and made fun of. Hell, I see coaches every day bragging about how they don't do any cardio for weight loss whatsoever - only weight training - and stay shredded year round. And that's great. It really is. But there's more to fitness than staying shredded. And just because you don't need to do something to get shredded, doesn't mean it won't help. Nor does it mean there aren't a cauldron full of other benefits. Truth is, both cardio and weight training have a metric ton of benefits, each of which complement the other especially for weight loss. Between you and me, I don't want to be a one trick pony. Sure, deadlifting 4x my body weight is great. But I also like running a 6min mile. And not getting winded every time I go up a flight of stairs. And, as weird as it sounds, I like finishing a workout out of breath and sweaty and feeling like I just murked 27 death eaters in a stand off in the heart of Diagon Alley. For me, when it comes to the question of what's better, "Cardio or Weight Training for Weight Loss?" The answer is simple: Strategically doing both cardio and weight training for weight loss is better than either alone. So you can be strong as all hell, and the fittest one in the room. You don't have to choose - you can (and should) do both. ---- Do NOT subscribe unless my videos are actually helpful. The point of this channel is to help you, not promote me. So if my videos don't give you value...don't subscribe. If they do, though, please hit the sub button (it helps a lot!). You and I are going to drink a lot of coffee together. Like, borderline dangerous amounts of coffee. So, first things first. Pour yourself a mug and I’ll introduce myself real quick. My name’s Jordan — but everyone calls me “J” — and I’m a 27th degree black belt in chugging coffee. I’m also strength & nutrition coach, I hold several powerlifting world records, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have my writing featured in a variety of outlets like CNN, the Huffington Post, and But listen. This channel isn’t for fame, publicity, cash, props, fist bumps, likes, pings, pows or whatever else there is. It’s a place where you and I can chat. I’ll never sugar coat, lie, or beat around the bush. I’ll tell you everything exactly as I see it. Some stuff you might like. Others you might not. And that’s totally cool. Either way, my goal here is to create a discussion. A place where you and I can get together, exchange ideas, and motivate each other to be better every day. Like I said, we’re gonna drink a lot of coffee together — borderline dangerous amounts — but I’m excited. Because there aren’t too many online communities in which the sole purpose is to inspire and motivate one another. And that’s exactly what you and I are going to do here. To your success, -J #cardio #weighttraining #weightloss