Channel: Billy Blanks Tae Boยฎ Fitness
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: physical educationbest workoutslower bodytae bo videostae bo nationbilly blanks geicoexercisecardiotraininglose caloriestae bo workoutsbilly blanksfitnessonline workoutsdanceoutdoor workoutslive workoutsphysical trainingworkout videoshot workoutspunchingtae bobilly blanks workoutsweight lossbilly blanks tae boweight losersfootworkcoremr beastgoodgoodbilly blanks videosboxingsweatbest cardiotae bo unleashedechelon
Description: One workout a day keeps the doctor away! Let's keep working towards our fitness goals, and make 2022 the year where we take care of ourselves (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually). I believe in you. BLESSINGS