Channel: ModernGalaxy
Category: Education
Tags: new modern galaxykryon modern galaxy2021 predictionsmodern galaxy youtubekryongalactic federationkryon 2021channelingenergy updategalactic federation of lightlee carrollnew kryon channelingmodern galaxyelizabeth aprilkryon healingtodd brysonhealing wednesdaykryon 2019the akashic records meditationaffirmationsascension symptomsascensionthe akashic recordsmeditationascension energiesakashic recordsakashic records reading
Description: Todd Bryson - Akashic Records Practitioner | Agent of Change Akashic Records Readings Available!! Your future selves are watching you. They are not judgmental, but they are curious. They want to see what you will do next. They want to see how things went down and how they got to where they are. They are excited to see the choices you make/made during the shift because they know that each choice created a new timeline. A new version of yourself was born with each decision, recorded for all to see. *NEW* How To Open The Akashic Records - An Advanced Guide For Aspiring Practitioners Donations help me stay active on Youtube! #akashicrecords #Kryon #ascension #energyupdate #pleiadians #galacticfederationoflight #pleiadianmessage #healingwednesday #elizabethapril