Channel: Rupert Spira
Category: Education
Tags: nondualismtime is a concepttime is a constructenlightenmentexperience timerupert spiranon-dualityenlightnementdoes time existexperiencing time and spacethe concept of timeawarenessnon dualitypresencenature of realityadvaita vedantapower of nowis time realtime is not realspiritualityphysics and philosophy of timespiritualexperience time and spacetime and space are not realyou cannot experience time
Description: You can never experience time or space since they simply do not exist. Rupert explains that in order to experience time, you would have to be able to step out of the now and visit the past or the future. We can think about the past as it appears in thought, however you cannot step out of the now without thinking about it. There is no time present in which the now can be defined, and that 'now' is awareness. However, time is a valid concept that we all use for practical purposes, but it should not be a belief that it is the nature of reality, since in reality there is no time. Rupert tells the questioner to be a scientist without preconceived ideas of time and try to experience time without thought. It simply cannot be done. This clip was taken from one of Rupert's In-Person Retreats in March, 2020. Timestamps: 00:00 Struggling With The Perception of Time 01:00 Experiencing Time In the Absence of Thought 02:00 Experiencing Time and Thinking About Time 03:38 Experiencing The Now 04:45 You Never Experience Time 06:00 Time Is A Concept 06:50 Evidence Of Time 09:05 Here Is The Place Where I Am 10:25 Time And Space Are A Model Of Reality –– ACCESS FULL VIDEO ARCHIVE You can watch or listen to 1000s of hours of teachings, guided meditations and answers in Rupert's full video archive here: ▸ –– RETREATS (Weekend, 5-day, 7-day) Rupert holds regular retreats, roughly once per month, either in-person and online. Many in-person retreats can also be attended from the comfort of your home via livestream. ONLINE RETREAT SCHEDULE ▸ IN-PERSON RETREATS SCHEDULE ▸ UK ▸ US –– WEEKLY WEBINARS (2 hours) Rupert's webinars take place most Sunday and Thursday evenings, from 4pm UK time. In the first twenty to thirty minutes, Rupert leads a spontaneous meditation. The remaining time is open for attendees to discuss their questions with Rupert. WEEKLY WEBINAR SCHEDULE ▸ –– FREE CONTENT, EVENTS & NEW RELEASES To be notified of free content, events (online and in-person), books and other new releases, please sign up to Rupert's free newsletter: –– BROWSE RUPERT’S BOOKS ▸ –– LISTEN TO RUPERT’S PODCAST ▸ iTunes: ▸ Libsyn: ▸ Spotify: –– JOIN RUPERT’S FACEBOOK GROUP ▸ –– SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS ▸ Website: ▸ Instagram: ▸ Facebook: ▸ Twitter: –– SUBSCRIBE TO RUPERT’S YOUTUBE ▸ –– #rupertspira #nonduality #natureofreality #consciousness #awareness #happiness #meditation #guidedmeditation RS19143k