Channel: THE101
Category: Gaming
Tags: double stacked tableswwe2k22chain wrestlingremoved movespaybackssquash matchesthings you might not knowwwe 2k22 removalsthings removed in wwe 2k22wwe 2k20 vs wwe 2k22tired finisherswwe 2k22 tired finishersdetailsomg momentswwe gamesunique animationsfatigued moveswwe 2k22 vs wwe 2k20wwe 2k22 removed featuresbrawl areaswwe 2k22 things removedwwe 2kwwegameswwe2kfeatures removed in wwe 2k22the101wrestlingrest holdsgameplay
Description: This video showcases twenty features that were doable in WWE 2K20, but are no longer a thing in WWE 2K22. This includes a variety of things such as animations, moments, places, abilities, features and more. What features will YOU miss the most? Will we see any return for WWE 2K23 next time? The WWE 2K22 countdown is over! WWE 2K22 has arrived. On the channel we'll be covering all things WWE 2K22 on the PlayStation 5 - Gameplay, details, showcases and more! #WWE2K22 #WWE2K #WWEGames SOCIAL MEDIA: