Channel: AmazingViz
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: ww2 tankamazingvizbritishcrusier tanktogworld warinfantry tankww2ukmedium tanksize comparisontanksheavy tanktank destroyermatilda tanktankcarro armatouscompare sizetank typesize comparem4 shermantank sizeunited kingdomtog-2m22light tankshermanchurchillsizem3 stuartwwiim5 stuartvickers tankalliesuk tank
Description: Sherman Firefly has arrived ! WWII British and Allies Tank Type and Size Comparison Tank Type Light tanks Cruiser tanks Infantry tanks Medium tanks Tank Destroyers Heavy tanks Tanks Vickers 6-Ton Vickers Mk VI Vickers Medium Mark II Cruiser Tank MK I Cruiser Tank MK III Cruiser Tank MK II Cruiser Tank MK IV Cruiser Tank MK V Cruiser Tank MK VI Cruiser Tank MK VII Cruiser Tank MK VIII Cromwell Cruiser Tank MK VIII Challenger Matilda Mk I Matilda MKII M4 Sherman M4A1 Sherman M4A2 Sherman M4A3 Sherman Sherman Firefly M3 Grant M3 Stuart Carro Armato M13/40 Infantry Tank Mk III Valentine Infantry Tank Mk IV Churchill Carro Armato M14/41 M5 Stuart M22 Locust M24 Chaffee T-14 TOG 2 Like, Share and Subscribe to AmazingViz Help me grow this channel Music by MultiMusic Multi - Era of War Epic Battle Speech 3D Models Own creations 3D Warehouse ( Awesome ) Modified and textured Software Google Sketchup ( Best intuitive 3D software )