Channel: Английский по песням и не только
Category: Education
Tags: английскийанглийский языкизучение английского языка по песнямwithin temptation lost lyricsenglishbysongsизучение английского по песняманглийский по песням с субтитрамианглийский по песням для начинающихизучение английскогоизучение английского языкаwithin temptation lost in the darknessанглийский язык по песняманглийский по песнямwithin temptation lost переводпереводы песен на русскийпереводы песен с английского на русский
Description: Поддержать канал: Мои книги на ЛитРес: Второй канал: Текст, перевод и транскрипция песни (двойные субтитры: русские и английские). Слова пронумерованы по частоте использования в языке (согласно словарю Collins): 1) - постоянно 2) - очень часто 3) - часто 4) - редко 5) - очень редко Текстовая версия: Текст песни "Lost" My hope is on fire, my dreams are for sale I dance on a wire, but don't want to fail her I walk against the stream, far from what I believe in I run towards the end trying not to give in She's lost in the darkness, fading away I'm still around here, screaming her name She's haunting my dream-world, trying to survive My heart is frozen, I'm losing my mind Help me, I'm buried alive, buried alive I'm burning the bridges and there's no return I'm trying to reach her, I feel that she yearns I walk against the stream, far from what I believe in I run towards the end trying not to give in She's lost in the darkness, fading away I'm still around here, screaming her name She's haunting my dream-world, trying to survive My heart is frozen, I'm losing my mind Help me, I'm buried alive, buried alive I tried to revive what's already drowned They think I'm a fool, can't realise Hope plays a wicked game with the mind 'Cause I thought that love would bind I cannot revive what's already drowned She won't come around She's lost in the darkness, fading away I'm still around here, screaming her name She's haunting my dream-world, trying to survive My heart is frozen, I'm losing my mind Help me, I'm buried alive, buried alive #английскийпопесням #переводпесен #английский #английскийязык #english