Channel: Microsoft HoloLens
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: windows 10 holographicmixed reality academy 250virtual realitywindows holographicaugmented realityholographic academymicrosoftwindows 10codingunityholographic academy 250hololens videomicrosoft videowindows 3dmicrosoft 3dhololensmixed realiity academymrproject origamihologramsmicrosoft hololensvr headsetshololens appsemulatormixed realityholographic computingar headsetsfuturemicrosoft holographic
Description: This is the third chapter to the Mixed Reality Academy 213 course. This series is composed of 6 chapters of a tutorial that will explore the motion controller's input events by creating a simple spatial painting experience. With this app, users can paint in three-dimensional space with various types of brushes and colors. You can find this complete course at Learn more about Microsoft HoloLens at Subscribe to the Microsoft HoloLens YouTube channel at and our newsletter at