Channel: RoboKast
Category: Gaming
Tags: the binding of isaacbinding of isaac afterbirth+binding of isaac robokastbinding of isaacbinding of isaac goodbinding of isaac awesomebinding of isaac 2022the binding of isaac repentancebinding of issaac gamebinding of isaac afterbirthbinding of isaac roguelikebinding of isaac reviewbinding of isaac rebirthtboi
Description: The Binding of Isaac is one of the most REPLAYABLE and unique games of all time. Today, we are going to break down why this game is so awesome and millions of people still play it, YEARS after its initial release. Follow Me Twitter: Instagram: Watch My Game Reviews: ► Thanks for watching! ► If you enjoyed the video, feel free to subscribe! ► Subscribe: Business Email: On this channel, I like to make video essays about gaming trends and failures, game reviews, and general information about the gaming industry as a whole. In today's video, we are going to talk about The Binding of Isaac and why it is one of the best roguelikes ever made! #BindingOfIsaac #TBOI #RoboKast