Channel: RoboKast
Category: Gaming
Tags: cubeworldrobokastcube world reviewcube world updatescube world badcubeworld udpateswhat happened to cube worldcube world launchcube world tragedywolly cube worldrobokast cube worldwollaymystery of cubeworldcubeworld failwollay cubeworldcube world gamecube worldcubeworld badwhy cubeworld failedrip cubeworldcubeworld review
Description: Plagued by development issues and random disappearances, the story of Cube World has always been a strange one. Unfortunately, the story does not have a happy ending and a lot of things have gone down since the last time you heard about this little indie game. Hear the full story in today's video! The Mystery of Cube World: √ Check Out Ekster Wallets: √ USE CODE "ROBO" FOR 15% OFF! Watch My Game Reviews: Read some of my favorite books: ► Thanks for watching! ► If you enjoyed the video, feel free to subscribe! ► Subscribe: Follow Me Twitter: Business Email: On this channel, I like to cover games that have failed, games that have died, nostalgic stuff, and games that are awesome. In today's video, we talk about the failure of Cube World and why it was a complete tragedy. #CubeWorld #Gaming #RoboKast