Channel: Chris Sajnog
Category: Education
Tags: live like a warriormotivation tichris sajnog meditationchris sajnoghow to shoot like a navy sealmindfulnessmotivationhow to shootshooting videosnavy sealmotivational videos for students never give uphow to think positivehow to learnpositive psychologyhow to stay motivatedcenter mass groupnew rules of marksmanshipmeditationmotivational videos for success in life 2019how to meditatenavy seal shootingmotivational video
Description: You know, we really need to stop beating ourselves up over not feeling motivated because, you know what, if you don't feel motivated all the time, guess what? You're human. Our bodies are designed to follow the law of least effort to conserve energy, and this is what's allowed us to survive as a species for so long. You may have heard of Newton's first law of motion and it goes something like "a body at rest will tend to stay at rest unless it is acted upon by an outside force and a body in motion will tend to stay in motion unless it's acted upon with some resistance" or something like that. And you really need to ask yourself, if you're at rest, what is going to make you start moving? What's going to give you that energy? What is going to motivate you? And it has to be yourself, right? It states in Newton's law of motion that it needs to be acted upon. So either you need to act upon it or somebody else is going to act upon it for you. So say for instance, when it comes to training, you need to motivate yourself. You need to get out of your chair and start training, and that's going to get you moving because you don't want an outside force acting upon you. That gets you motivated because that could be somebody coming into your home, breaking into your home, doing something to you and your family. You don't want to wait for that to get motivated to train. You need to act upon yourself. Listen, I know it's going to be hard. You literally need to fight against what your body is designed to do to be able to get to where you want to be, but I'll tell you this, once you start going, it's going to start snowballing and it gets so much easier. Starting is always the hardest part. It's like trying to get a steam engine moving, you know, a big long train and it takes a lot of power, a lot of energy, in your case, a lot of self-motivation to get moving, but you know what? Once that steam train gets moving, it's very hard to stop and you're going to be hard to stop too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get my free Top 10 Tools for learning how to shoot a gun accurately at home: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you struggle to shoot a gun accurately or need help with front sight focus, make sure you watch more of my videos and subscribe to my channel for the best information on firearms training: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Me: I am a retired Navy SEAL Sniper instructor and the bestselling author of “How to Shoot Like Navy SEAL” and “Navy SEAL Shooting.” I founded The New Rules of Marksmanship which helps you become a better shooter at home, while saving you time and money. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn more about the New Rules of Marksmanship: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get my best selling books: Navy SEAL Shooting - How to shoot like a navy seal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I truly appreciate everyone that comes to my channel and watches my videos. I’d love it if you’d subscribe and join my community! Subscribe: “WITH CONSISTENT, PERFECT PRACTICE YOU ARE PAVING THE PATH TO PERFECTION.” – Chris (Snowman) Sajnog Learn more: