Channel: Sarah Stephanie Landry
Category: Entertainment
Tags: cultic abusekailashadeprogrammergoing publiccult exposurego publicnithyawakeningcult leadermind controlextremist beliefscult survivorleaving a cultcult whistleblowerself empowermentend mind controlfraud swamisex guruswamijiescaping a cultmind fognarcissist abusecult escapespeak upspiritualitykailasaranjithadeprogrammingnithyanandadealing with narcissist abusesex swamihindu nationwaking upconfusionspeaking out
Description: Hi, and thanks for tuning in! One of the biggest challenges of cult exposure is dealing with the fact that our once-brainwashed selves praised the very criminal we later realize must be exposed. In this video, I address a question that has haunted me online from the first day I blew the whistle on the abuse in the Nithyananda cult: Why did you take so long to speak out? Why should anyone believe you? Why did you used to say he's innocent but now you say he's a rapist? If anyone watching this is dealing with CPTSD from cult or other forms of narcissist abuse, please check out the information published by experts like Dr. Steven Hassan and Dr. Janja Lalich. If someone you know has escaped a cult, also check out the information from the experts, and be patient and compassionate with your loved ones. They've been through a lot, and deserve kindness and respect, not "I-told-you-sos" or questions about their character. To support my work, (thanks in advance!) here's my Patreon link: My handmade jewelry: My handmade junk journals: