Channel: Scooby Noob
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecrafthow to buildbedminecraft noob vs pro vs hackerdiamond bed minecraftselling bedvillager bedbed so epensiverich minecraftrich bedrich bed minecraftvillager selling bed minecraftbed so expensive minecraftminecraft trapvillager minecraftrich villagerbuy bedrich villager minecraftnoobdiamond bedminecraft baseproselling minecraftdiamondhackerdiamond minecraftselling bed minecraftchallenge in minecraftbed minecraft
Description: WHY IS A RICH VILLAGER SELLING THIS DIAMOND BED SO EXPENSIVE IN MINECRAFT ? 100% TROLLING TRAP ! WHY IS A RICH VILLAGER SELLING THIS DIAMOND BED SO EXPENSIVE in Minecraft ??? Write in the comments where you live, and I live in Hollywood :) Subscribe and press Like 3.300.000 Subs Thanks brothers and sisters! Mail for business offers - SCOOBY NOOB ~ present a funny minecraft machinima Noob vs Pro and Hacker challenge. Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound