Channel: York Cardiology
Category: Education
Tags: heart palpitations treatmentheart attacksheart palpitations after eatingheart palpitations cureheart disease symptomssidharth shuklaheart palpitations anxietyventricular ectopicssiddharthaheart palpitations causesheart palpitations symptomsheart racingheart flutter causesheart palpitations at night
Description: As many of you have probably come to know, the whole of India is in mourning after one of its brightest TV and filmstars, Sidharth Shukla, died suddenly yesterday at the age of only 40 years. Initial reports have suggested that Siddhartha died of a massive heart attack. Here was a wonderfully athletic, strong man who took exceptional care of his health and the whole of the world is shocked that someone that young and healthy could succumb to a heart attack out of the blue. As we struggle to make sense of the chaos and emotional turmoil that Siddharth’s unfortunate death has left us in I thought I would share what I have learnt about heart attacks from my own experience as a practising cardiologist. I wanted to dedicate this video to Sidharth Shukla and pray for those that have been left bereft by his untimely passing including his mother and sisters. We believe that most heart attacks occur because of a build-up of plaque in the heart arteries. Those people who have absolutely no plaque in their heart arteries are generally fall in a very low risk category. Why does plaque build up? Plaque builds up because of low grade chronic inflammation. I will try and explain inflammation to you. Imagine if I take a sharp knife and run it across my arm. This insult will stimulate inflammation. My arm will become red, hot, painful, swollen and after a while as long as I have stopped insulting it with the knife it will heal. This is acute inflammation Let's talk about something far worse which is chronic inflammation. Imagine me taking a toothbrush and scraping away at my skin daily for the next 10 years.. the insult is no where as acute as with a knife but because the insult is ongoing, the skin will never heal and in 10 years time the skin will have changed in appearance and behaviour and it will be hard and yet fragile at the same time. It will never be the same again. This is chronic inflammation. Whilst a lot of people believe that heart disease is about cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes etc, the reality is that these are surrogate markers and perhaps the big underlying villain is chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can cause build up of plaque over a period of time which may then manifest with a progressive narrowing of the blood vessels and gradually reduce blood flow to the heart muscle. This will then lead to angina and if that angina is not addressed may lead to a heart attack. This is not as terrible situation because the patient gets a progressive warning and will go and seek help and then be found to have a narrowing which is then treated with a stent or a bypass. However inflammation can do something even worse. Some people may have a mild amount of plaque which is not causing a significant narrowing and therefore will not cause any symptoms and then one day out of the blue that plaque will break off and the body thinks there is a wound where it has broken off and within a matter of minutes a blood clot can form which then blocks off the blood vessel. These are the patients that have a sudden heart attack without a warning and this is the mechanism behind sudden deaths. It is estimated that 50% of heart attacks present in this manner. The more inflamed we are the more likely this is to happen and this is probably what happened in Siddharth’s case.