Channel: Salomondrin
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: vehicle virginsdaily vlogslamborghinisolana0-60mphjay leno's garagegrand tourjay lenos garageeconimicsaccelerationethereumtop gearvlogsreviewpodcastjucafirst drivemr jwwtutorialcarfectionhyper 5funnyroad testmotor trendmo vlogsreal estateexhaustferraristock marketentrepreneurshipgary vaynerchukcryptosalomondrinbuzzfeedvideosalomundogaryveestreetspeed717hit it pedrojoe rogannftcar throttlebangin gearsbitcoin
Description: It's impossible to predict what's gonna happen in a market that is made up by a few people that make decisions that move entire markets. HOWEVER, it is not IMPOSSIBLE to have a great idea of what's gonna happen next simply based on human behavior. Today we study that!