Channel: DRWolf001
Category: Entertainment
Tags: sunny starscoutnew mlp g5 clipmlp g5 newmlp g5 seriesmlp spoilersmy little pony a new generationmlp g5mlp g5 spoilers reviewnew mlp g5mlp g5 animationsunny alicornmlp wendigosmy little pony generation 5mlp g5 spoilersmy little pony g5alicorn sunnymlp g5 moviemlp a new generationmlp spoilers reviewmlp g5 new clipsunny transformationwhat happened to the wendigosmlp generation 5mlp g5 wendigoswhere are the wendigos
Description: Sawtooth's video: Why wasn't there Anyone who gave in to fighting during this separation? There is plenty of fear and mistrust of the other pony races in Generation 5, but not Once did anypony give in to Hate when each of them went their separate ways?