Channel: Pinkie Rose
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: toucanldmpinkiemarymedleypiepinkie rosemlpanimation (tv genre)logancarmen mary medleyyudhaikeledaibrittney ackermanrosefluttershycarmen
Description: Two Fluttershys having a conversation....what more do you want? Thank you so much to Logan (ToucanLDM) for offering to animate something for me!! This turned out amazingly, and it's soooo cute xD Also thank you to my friend Carmen (Mary Medley) for doing the other Fluttershy with me, and Brittney Ackerman for doing Rainbow xDDD This script was inspired by conversations between me and my very good friend Yudhaikeledai because he says sorry too much xDDD and I like making fun of him cause I can xD Edit: Whoooo EQD Solo Post!!!! Thank you to everyone who helped me with this!!! I love you all~~ Animator: ToucanLDM Script Written by Pinkie Rose already on my channel, silly xD Other Fluttershy VA: Carmen Mary Medley Rainbow Dash VA: Brittney Ackerman Inspirational Doormat: Yudhaikeledai