Channel: Ryan Cropper
Category: Education
Tags: saturngreat conjunctionmanifestingdecember 21stthe law of attractionjupitermanifest anythingrelationship goalsjupiter and saturn conjunctionryan cropperthe great conjunctiongreat conjunction 2020law of attraction loverelationshiphow to manifestdecember 21st 2020manifestationmanifest2021manifest lovehow to manifest a specific personmeditationdecember 21 2020december 21manifestation journallaw of attractionlaw of attraction solutions
Description: Things have changed because of the great conjunction that happened on December the 21st 2020. Now you can manifest within some very important aspects of your life, with the new energies backing every decision that followed after the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, it's easier than ever. Furthermore, If want more information on how to manifest during this time, taking full advantage of the (energies of Jupiter & Saturn) then check out my YouTube channel for more content on manifestation. Lastly, I'm Ryan Cropper, and I wish you the best during this opportunistic time. #manifestation #lawofattraction #ryancropper Sharable Short Link for this video: Online Courses: Spiritual Coaching: Social Media links: Twitter: @Ryan_j_cropper Instagram: @Ryan_j_cropper 2nd YT Channel: Facebook: Our Facebook Group: Main YouTube Channel: