Channel: Dr. Christian Conte
Category: Education
Tags: dealing with angerangry video game nerdimoviemental healthmental wellnessdealing with regretchristian conteangerrelationship helpmadlife hacksimpulsivecounseloranger issuesemotional managementanger divorceanger managementdr contemarriage helpcounselingdomicscrunchyrollrelationship resdr christian contedon't want divorceangryregret and angerwhat to do when your anger ruins thingsangrtemperrageanger regrets
Description: This video addresses frequent questions I get about what to do once your anger has pushed others away.... Here's a link to pre-order my new book! Definitely sending all who see this much peace! IG: @drchristianconte Twitter: @Dr_Conte FB: @drchristianconte Website: Ho'oponopono #MuchPeace