Channel: WesleyAPEX
Category: Sports
Tags: copstvmaurylieangerpolygraphpart ninemaddnastevejusticedna testcrimesequelprisonlaw enforcementfightjerry springerlie detectoraudiencelawwesleyapextelevisionpart 9angryjailfanssteve wilkos getting pissed offpolicetruthstageyelltalk showpissed offseriesragebrawlsteve wilkoswilkos
Description: Some people call him Shrek with a cape and by some people I mean me! #WesleyAPEX #SteveWilkos #WilkosNation Get your SportzCases here! - Promo Code for 10% off: APEX My Instagram - My Twitter - My Discord - Intro Song - Bloodline by Slayer Outro Song - Custom song *** i do Not own any rights to the video clips used. All rights belong to the Steve Wilkos show. This is strictly a video made by a fan for fans! ***